Need for Authority
A. I am writing on this very subject at present and it will be on my site at next week - all going well.
If you have something you would like answered with regard to social or doctrinal matters of "Mormonism"
posted by Doug Towers at 7:13 PM
Blogs are not official church sites.
All posts are genuine reader inquiries
Mormon is a nickname only.
To ask the question you press any "comment" link, and fill out as a normal comment. The difference is that when you press the "Login and Publish" button it will NOT be published. But I will get your question. The question will be answered as soon as possible, and will appear on this site.
* Please Note *
I am sometimes asked for recent GA quotes relative to what I have said. If such modern quotes exist then you have as much hope of finding the quote on as I do (my time is limited) - look it up. Yet I should point out that my resources for information are based not only on GA quotes in the Ensign, but include discussions with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and/or the Holy Ghost, the Scriptures, ideas presented by general authorities of all ages, many years learning and teaching within the church and experiences of life mixed with those other sources. As should be the case with all members.
I am LDS. I've taught seminary and Gospel Doctrine classes. I've been Elders Quorum Advisor and taught the High Priests. I am an RM. I uphold the truth of Scripture above the changing philosophies of mankind. Therefore I believe in PROVEN science only (else it isn't science in the true sense); I don't believe in unprovable fantasies such as evolution, billions of years old earth, etc. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are my leaders. They are the ONLY ones I consider infallible. Yet I fully support all those authorised of God within their various roles in the LDS church. I am widowed, but would STRICTLY only date LDS women.